Any plan to upgrade the smoothieware to the latest build for the C3D mini (K40)? I noticed that the updates on the GLCD are more intuitive…

“Mike Hill”

Ray Kholodovsky (Cohesion3D) March 09, 2018 16:56

It’s easier for me to maintain the one build and config that we know works. If you want to grab the latest firmware-cnc build from smoothieware github repo, you’re welcome to do so.

Mike Hill March 09, 2018 17:24

I should use the cnc build or the K40? Tried the firmware-latest.bin and didn’t work as the x and y seemed to be reversed and acted a bit wonky. Probably just a config issue.

And totally understand configuration management concerns!

Ray Kholodovsky (Cohesion3D) March 09, 2018 17:25

We use firmware-cnc.bin

Mike Hill March 09, 2018 17:26

Thanks for the help. I’ll give it a try and post back.

Jake B March 14, 2018 11:16

+Mike Hill interested in your results. Being new to Smoothie, I was surprised that the GLCD was really just used as a glorified text display. Coming from the under powered Atmel 2860-based 3d printer controllers, I had expected that smoothie would have more power to render nicer displays and menus.

Ray Kholodovsky (Cohesion3D) March 14, 2018 16:21

In the non-cnc firmware (ie: regular) there are icons for things more akin to what you’d see on Marlin/ Repetier Firmware.

Mike Hill March 17, 2018 19:12

I updated to the latest version of smoothieware-cnc and have not had any problems. I first used the wrong version (non-cnc). It had a cleaner display in my opinion, but x/y acted wonky and I didn’t have time to investigate.

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