Mini Pinout Diagram is up!

Thanks to +Eric Lien for cranking this one out.

It’s at our support site here:

“Ray Kholodovsky (Cohesion3D)”

Eric Lien January 19, 2017 05:15

Glad I could help. Now to take some time to actually learn how to use inkscape correctly… I was a man fumbling in the dark today helping. But I think a few days practice and I might actually know something :)

Ned Hill January 19, 2017 05:26

Thanks, I was going to ask about a pinout diagram. Question, what does the kill button actually kill?

Marc Pentenrieder January 19, 2017 09:34

+Ray Kholodovsky​ Wouldn’t it be nice to know the signal level also (3,3V or 5V)?!

Carl Fisher January 19, 2017 15:10

Looks great. Any chance on a breakout showing the ribbon cable pins?

Eric Lien January 19, 2017 16:06

+Carl Fisher If +Ray Kholodovsky gets me the info… I will get it added to the file.

Ray Kholodovsky (Cohesion3D) January 19, 2017 16:08

+Ned Hill it’s a “stop right away” emergency stop type of thing.

+Marc Pentenrieder if it’s a green signal pin it’s most likely running at 3.3v.

+Carl Fisher +Eric Lien I think this is crowded enough, let’s do it as a separate drawing file. Per usual that means whipping up a CAD model of the adapter, etc. I’ll add it to the list.

tyler hallberg January 21, 2017 21:29

whats the pinout for the pwm output plug? All it says is center is 2.4. I want to make sure the wires are correct to the PSU correctly

Ray Kholodovsky (Cohesion3D) January 21, 2017 21:35

It’s connected to the MOSFET 2.4 output and that is also level shifted to 5v via pull up resistor. It is the same signal as MOSFET4.

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