Does someone has experience with Remix and Filament-Runout-Switch on Octopi?

I tried this setup as described on the Octopi-plugin page ( and it worked like expected.

Today morning during printing I tried to change Filament with manual input of M600 and the printer went crazy until I reset the Remix.

Does this function not properly working on Smoothieware or is using Octopi a problem? Should I connect the sensor directly to the Remixboard and enable Filamentsensor in config.txt?

“Christian M\u00f6gele”

Ray Kholodovsky (Cohesion3D) January 16, 2018 22:39

I’m not sure exactly what “went crazy” means.

I have used M600 on ReMix just fine. But you need to configure it in config.txt. Check the smoothieware docs for pause and resume.

Next… I have not used the Octoprint plugin. I have connected a switch directly to unused endstop port on Remix and configured that to be my runout sensor. Again, smoothie docs

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