Just really started using grbl and LB. I have the LO z axis table which works fine in smoothie. When I try to get the z axis to move, i get the following error and LB completely locks up.

Starting stream


On or near line 1:

Stream completed in 0:00

[MSG:Reset to continue]

Only wayI found to continue is close LB and start again.

Here is my configuration:











































It did not work with the original value in $102=160.

I believe the stepper is a 42HS03. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I’m using the version of gbrl download from the cohesion site.

“Tony Sobczak”

Ray Kholodovsky (Cohesion3D) June 12, 2018 01:39

Is this an external stepper driver driving the Z bed, as shown in our Z Table article?

Jim Fong June 12, 2018 01:53

Alarm 2 is machine exceeding travel.

You probably need to change $132 to the z table travel length. Increase the default 50mm to a larger value.

Tony Sobczak June 12, 2018 15:28

Yes it is with an external driver.

Tony Sobczak June 15, 2018 22:26

Changing $132 didn’t make a difference. I tried to move the z several times and could occasionally get it to move - not very often but when it did it moved in the wrong direction. Again it works exactly as it always has using smoothie. When it did move using $102=1600 it only moved .5 mm rather than the 1.0mm set.











































Tony Sobczak June 19, 2018 16:43

+Jim Fong any further ideas? Any more info I can add?

Jim Fong June 20, 2018 17:49

Since you say the Z is going the wrong direction, you need to modify $3 setting to change the direction.

Change $102=3200 to double the distance traveled.

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